2.3.2.Allow node.js perform GC collection

  • 1.sudo npm install heapdump

  • 2.加入:

    var leakyData = [];
    var nonLeakyData = [];
    function generateHeapDumpAndStats(){
      //1. Force garbage collection every time this function is called
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        console.log("You must run program with 'node --expose-gc index.js' or 'npm start'");
      //2. Output Heap stats
      var heapUsed = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
      //console.log("Program is using " + heapUsed + " bytes of Heap.");
      debug("Program is using " + heapUsed + " bytes of Heap.");
      //3. Get Heap dump
      //process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGUSR2');
    setInterval(generateHeapDumpAndStats, 2000);
  • 3.在命令列中執行:

          node --expose-gc app.js

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