
  • 模組化的好處

  • 模組

    • 當要為相同介面產生多個實作時, 可撰寫一個預設實作作為原型, 可使用stampit(https://github.com/stampit-org/stampit)

    • stampit: a coposable factory

      • stampit.init

        • 初始化property, 可傳入參數

        • example:

          // Allow dbConnection to be passed from outside.
           const AcceptsDbConnection = stampit()
           .init(function ({dbConnection}) {
              this.dbConnection = dbConnection;
      • stampit.props

        • 當初始化完成後指定進行後續動作,或是可以賦值給property *example:

          // Assigns the default connection string.
          const DefaultConnectionConfig = stampit()
          .init(function ({connectionConfig}) { // can pass the string as factory argument
            this.connectionConfig = connectionConfig;
          .props({ // if nothing was passed this value will be used
            connectionConfig: require('./config.json').db.connection
      • stampit.methods

        • 定義function

        • example:

          // Adds .log() method to factory instantiated objects.
          const Logger = stampit()
              log: console.log
      • stampit.compose

        • 允許繼承任意數量的來源 (with last-in priority.)

        • example:

          // The connection object.
          const DbConnection = stampit()
          .props({ // Assigns the mongoose connection object.
            dbConnection: mongoose.connection
            Logger, // add logging capability via this.log() 
            DefaultConnectionConfig, // add the default this.connectionConfig value
            AcceptsDbConnection // allow passing dbConnection as argument
          .init(function () { // Connecting to the DB upon creating an object.
            if (!this.dbConnection.readyState) {
              this.log('Opening a DB connection');
          .methods({ // A method to close the connection.
            close() {
              if (this.dbConnection.readyState) {
                this.log('Closing the DB connection');
  • 常見的模組

    • 模組模式 (module pattern)

    • 非同步模組定義 (AMD)

      • AMD模組載入器

        • Require.js

        • Curl.js

    • CommonJS模組規範

      • 是一個由CommonJS group所定出的module format, 是在Node上使用的模組撰寫風格

      • webpack 也是遵循這個規範

      • 匯出: export

      • 匯入: require

Last updated