1.9.1.IFrame communication


  • 讓iframe發送訊息給parent (iframe是發送訊息的一方, parent是接收訊息的一方)

  • HTML5的postMessage可在不同網頁間送資料, 可以使用window.open開啟另一網域的資料將文字訊息傳過去, 或是使用contentWindow取得IFrame載入的頁面


  • 1.在不同網頁間傳遞訊息

    • parent (傳訊息)

            var new_win;
            /* 開啟另一個網頁 */
            function openWin() {
                new_win = window.open("http://demo2.cinc.biz/html5-postmessage/text-new.html");
            /* 傳送文字訊息 */
            function sendMsg() {
                var msg = document.getElementById("msg_txt").value;
                new_win.postMessage(msg, "http://demo2.cinc.biz");//表示要送給demo2.example.com網域
    • IFrame (收訊息)

            var myMsg = function(e) {
                alert("接收到的訊息:" + e.data);
                alert("訊息來源網域:" + e.origin);
                if (e.origin != "http://demo.cinc.biz") {
                    return; //不明來源,不處理
                document.getElementById("res").innerHTML = "接收到的訊息:" + e.data;
            window.addEventListener("message", myMsg, false);//監聽message事件
  • 2.IFrame傳訊息給parent

    • parent (傳/收訊息)

        // Create the iframe
        var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
        iframe.setAttribute('src', iframeSource);
        iframe.setAttribute('id', 'the_iframe');
        iframe.style.width = 450 + 'px';
        iframe.style.height = 200 + 'px';
        // Send a message to the child iframe
        var iframeEl = document.getElementById('the_iframe'),
            messageButton = document.getElementById('message_button'),
            results = document.getElementById('results');
        // Send a message to the child iframe
        var sendMessage = function(msg) {
            // Make sure you are sending a string, and to stringify JSON
            iframeEl.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, '*');
        // Send random messge data on every button click
        bindEvent(messageButton, 'click', function (e) {
            var random = Math.random();
            sendMessage('' + random);
        // Listen to message from child window
        bindEvent(window, 'message', function (e) {
            results.innerHTML = e.data;
    • IFrame (傳/收訊息)

        // addEventListener support for IE8
        function bindEvent(element, eventName, eventHandler) {
            if (element.addEventListener) {
                element.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false);
            } else if (element.attachEvent) {
                element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler);
        // Send a message to the parent
        var sendMessage = function (msg) {
            // Make sure you are sending a string, and to stringify JSON
            window.parent.postMessage(msg, '*');
        var results = document.getElementById('results'),
            messageButton = document.getElementById('message_button');
        // Listen to messages from parent window
        bindEvent(window, 'message', function (e) {
            results.innerHTML = e.data;
        // Send random message data on every button click
        bindEvent(messageButton, 'click', function (e) {
            var random = Math.random();
            sendMessage('' + random);


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