5.1.1.AT Command

  • 1.AT+CPIN?

    • Description: 確認是否已輸入密碼

    • Success Response:

    • Error Response:

        +CPIN:  +CME ERROR: 
    • Example:

  • 2.AT+CSQ

    • Description: 取得模組的signal quality:+CSQ:</rssi/>,</ber/>

    • Mode:

      • 1.AT+CSQ?

        • returns the signal strength of the device

                    Value    RSSI dBm    Condition
                    2    -109    Marginal
                    3    -107    Marginal
                    4    -105    Marginal
                    5    -103    Marginal
                    6    -101    Marginal
                    7    -99    Marginal
                    8    -97    Marginal
                    9    -95    Marginal
                    10    -93    OK
                    11    -91    OK
                    12    -89    OK
                    13    -87    OK
                    14    -85    OK
                    15    -83    Good
                    16    -81    Good
                    17    -79    Good
                    18    -77    Good
                    19    -75    Good
                    20    -73    Excellent
                    21    -71    Excellent
                    22    -69    Excellent
                    23    -67    Excellent
                    24    -65    Excellent
                    25    -63    Excellent
                    26    -61    Excellent
                    27    -59    Excellent
                    28    -57    Excellent
                    29    -55    Excellent
                    30    -53    Excellent
      • 2.AT+CSQ=?

        • list of supporteds

    • Example:

  • 3.AT+COPS?

    • Description: 指定或是取得模組的訊號種類(2G/3G/4G)

    • Mode:

      • 1.AT+COPS?

        • 取得目前模組的訊號種類

          • 0 GSM (2G)

          • 1 GSM Compact (2G)

          • 2 UTRAN (3G)

          • 3 GSM w/EGPRS (2.75G)

          • 4 UTRAN w/HSDPA (3.5G)

          • 5 UTRAN w/HSUPA (4G)

          • 6 UTRAN w/HSDPA and HSUPA (3.5G and 4G)

          • 7 E-UTRAN (3G)

  • 2.AT+COPS=?

    • list目前模組可用的訊號種類

  • 3.AT+COPS=[[, [,[,]]]]

    • 指定模組的訊號種類

      • 4.AT^SIND?

      • Description:

      • Mode:

      • 5.AT^SCFG?

      • Description:

      • Mode:

      • 6.AT+CGDCONT

      • 7.AT+CGCONTRDP

Last updated