3.4.5.API Authorization using OAuth2.0
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OAuth2.0 has become the defactor standard for building authorization (授權) for REST APIs as Facebook, Linkedin and Spotify
Customer Information
第三方服務直接透過API取得客戶的資料是不合理的, 因為沒有取得客戶的授權
合理的做法應該是: 第三方服務先取得客戶授權, 再透過API取得客戶資料
Flexible Authorization framework
Uses different types of tokens
Described 5 methods (grants) for acquiring access tokens
1.Authorization scope grant
2.Client credentials grant
3.Implicit grant
4.Refresh token grant
5.Resource owner credentials grant
End user in control of their data (scope)
Application/ Client needs a API key & secret
OAuth2.0 Tokens
1.Authorization Token
Proof of authorization
Issued after user logs in and authorize
2.Access Token
Credential for accessing the protected resource
Provider may define multiple types: 不同token會對應到不同scope
e.g., facebook
Expiry set by issuer
3.Refresh Token
May be used for extending access token validity
流程 (簡易)
3.Authorization server/ resource server (API provider)
OAuth2.0 Design Decisions
Scopes of the user data (API)
Type of OAuth grants to be supported
Authorization || Implicit grant private data
Client credentials public data
For trusted clients would you use "Resource owner credentials grant"?
Implementing the OAuth
API Management Platform
API僅供消遣使用, 如果某個惡意軟件竊取了證書, 也不會造成任何破壞